Commune des Taillades

by ARG Solutions

News & Magazines


The Municipality of Taillades is modernizing in the digital age by launching its very first town hall application! Find various information on the village, the municipal council but also the following features:- The news which allows you to be informed about the novelties of the village in real time. You can choose to receive notifications as soon as information is updated (market, party, show...).- Access to the various services of the municipality which allows you to inform yourself of the members of the council and their various delegations. You will also find information on municipal life, a word from the Mayor, etc.- A center of interest section which allows you to view the tourist points of the village as well as the history associated with them. If you want to discover a place to walk, this is the page you need to consult!- The application of the municipality of Taillades is also a way to interact with the municipality by notifying them of any problems encountered in the city. You indicate the place and you can include a photo! You will thus contribute to communal life by providing the necessary information, in particular to the technical services.The municipality obviously reserves the right to develop this application over time, in view of the feedback and development prospects suggested to it by its inhabitants & users.